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'The perfect fit is just a phone call away.'

Watson's Saddle Service offers saddle consults and top quality saddles for sport horses in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Sonya van der Lubben-Watson 
E.S.S. and M.S.F.C.-Certified Master Saddle Fitting Consultant

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Saddle consults

As a rider, you want the best for your horse. Therefore a perfectly fitting saddle is crucial for you. When you want to know if your current saddle is fitting, a consult can provide you with the right answers. 

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Adjustments & repairs

Adjustments to the panels could be enough to refit your current saddle. A partial fill can be done on-site allowing you to keep training. A complete refill or repairs will be done in our workshop.

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Premium custom-made saddles

We offer a collection of modern or classic styled saddles, fully customized to the exact measurements of your horse and your personal build. Hand made in England, high quality and with many styling options in materials and colours to create your own personal touch.

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"Wat een ontzettend lieve vrouw zowel voor paard als voor mij, met veel geduld en met ontzettend veel verstand van zaken. Mijn zadel ligt en zit zoveel beter en ze geeft tips voor nieuwe zadel aanschaf waar op te letten echt een topper deze vrouw 100% aanrader."

When do you call Watson's?

When you notice one of the issues below on your horse, it might be due to a poorly fitting saddle. A quick and simple solution to rule out any influence of your saddle is to have it checked by a certified saddle fitting consultant.

Behavioural problems

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• Bucking, rearing and balting
• Ears back or biting when brushing back
• Ears back or biting when being girth up
• Not wanting to roll or can't rollover

Visible problems

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• Back sores
• White hairs
• Muscle waste under the saddle

Training problems


• Problems with changes
• Difficulties in transitions
• Reluctant to collect
• Refusing fences

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